By Network In Action (Official) on Thursday, 13 July 2023
Category: NIA’s Major Differences

NIA's Major Differences: Extra Monthly Networking

At Network in Action, we also like to provide extra opportunities to network. So, we cross-pollinate in various ways.

Number one, once a month, you have an opportunity to network with the nation in a virtual networking event with members from all over the country. This allows you to connect with professionals beyond your local area and expand your reach.

Additionally, your Network in Action leadership will provide opportunities at mixers, launches, or coaching sessions. These events give you the chance to network with fellow members from across the city.

These opportunities are awesome for growing your network and increasing your business. Building connections with professionals from different locations and industries can lead to new partnerships, referrals, and business growth. Embrace these chances to connect and make the most out of your Network in Action membership.